i n - s p i r a t i
. . . because we all need to be inspired and be touched by others' work every now and then . . .
A thinking persons' cup o' tea
Byzantine Art
Cat Illustrations
Character Illustration
Christian Symbolism
Contemporary Artist
Cute Illustrations
Digital Artists
Femme Fatale
Glamour Girl
Haunting vs Mysterious
Humorous Art
I wanna be a Fashionista
Let's talk some color
Made Me Smile
Merchandise Ideas
Modern Christian Artists Series
No WAY or WHY did they do THAT
Now I call that Fine Art
Peacock in Art
Read or watch and tell me what you think
Rustic Charm or Retro Cool
Sublime Art
That Odd Charm
The Beastly Lovelies (Or Shamanic Dreams)
This one's personal or Just my two cents
Tools to Discover Thyself
Touched my heart with a gentle stir
Urban Pleasures Bitter or Sinful
You just warmed my heart
Nov 5, 2011
Hauntingly Beautiful Music Series #01: Music for Egon Schiele
when i am sad and blue
when i am lost and unsure
this brings me home
to the inner core of me that remembers everything
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